Levamizole 7.5%

Injection solution


Levamizole 75mg, excipient up to 1 ml;

Pharmacological characteristics:

Drug against helminthes of imidathiazole group; It is characterized with nematodocide activities of wide spectrum.

Cattle and sheep – Diseases caused by grown gastro-intestine nematodes and their worms (Haemonchus spp, Ostertagia spp, Trichostrongylus sp, Nematodirus spp, Bunostomum spp, oesophagostomum spp, cooperia spp), by grown lung nematodes and their worms;

Swine – Diseases caused by gastro-intestine nematodes (Toxocara spp,Toxascaris spp,  Ancylostoma sp, Uncinaria sp);


Treatment of cattle, swine and sheep gastro-intestine and lung nematodes that are caused by helminthes, which are sensitive to drug;


Cattle: single injection in muscle and under the skin – 1ml on 10kg/b/w, with cattles with weight more than 300kg – no more than 30ml;

Sheep and goats: single injection in muscle and under the skin – 1ml on 10kg/b/w, with sheep with weight more than 65kg – no more than 4,5 ml;

Swine: single injection in muscle and under the skin – 1ml Levamizole on 10kg/b/w, with swine with weight more than 150kg – no more than 20ml;

Dogs: single injection in muscle and under the skin – 1ml Levamizole on 10kg/b/w;


It isn’t recommended to give drug during the last 3 months of gestation. It isn’t allowed to give it to young animals with body weight less than 10 kg;

Withdrawal period:

Meat – 7 days, milk – 2 days;

How supplied:

50ml, 100ml and 250ml bottles;

Storage conditions and shelf life:

B list. It is kept in dry area that is protected from light, at 5-25ºC temperature.

Shelf life – 2 years;

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