Colder month poses many challenges for livestock, such as increased risk of disease and nutritional deficiencies. Proper preparation can keep your cattle healthy and productive throughout the season.
Here are five essential steps to follow:
Winter demands more energy from cattle to maintain body heat. Ensure they have access to high-quality forage, grains, and supplements to prevent weight loss and maintain immune function.
Parasites thrive when animals are stressed. Implementing a deworming routine in late fall will reduce parasite load and prevent issues in weakened animals. Consider using a broad-spectrum dewormer effective against internal and external parasites.
Adequate shelter and clean, dry bedding are crucial for preventing cold stress and respiratory issues. Use windbreaks or enclosed barns to protect cattle from harsh winds and extreme cold.
Frozen water sources can limit intake, leading to dehydration. Ensure a reliable water supply using heaters or frequently check for freezing. Cattle need more water in winter to aid digestion and maintain body temperature.
Winter can mask signs of illness due to thicker coats. Perform regular health checks, monitor body condition, and watch for signs of stress or disease. Early intervention prevents health problems from escalating.